This past year we decided to explore a different business model.  One that would allow us more time to work with our hands in the dirt and enjoy quality time with our young family.  We transitioned to a self-serve market that was open six days a week with extended hours.  This change reduced some of our costs and allowed us to give back more of our profits to some amazing community organizations.  From March through December, we were able to raise over $12 000 for 14 local organizations and create awareness about the important work they do in and for our community.  

This year we plan to continue our “Give Back” campaign but we need your help.  We are asking the community for your support by nominating a deserving organization within Dufferin County that “Gives Back” to the community. Nominations can be made by completing a nomination form using the link: by February 10, 2023. Working together and supporting each other, we can all grow!